Oct 16, 2007


Yesterday in the train fro St.Petersburg to Moscow i understood that i'm ill.
Truly. And i didnt know what to do.
Coz tomorrow morning i have a plane to Kazan.
I'm eating pills and i feel myself so powerless.

live well
laugh often
love much (c)

Oct 9, 2007

When the light was off

At 9 am when i started my work in front of the computer the electricity was swithed off.
I dont know even why i started to make this picture.
Probably because i saw my blocknote with the notes from yesterdays MC meeting, when we were laughing, speaking seriously. But only the half of the team, coz so many of us are in different cities. And i miss you guys
Moreover the most funny thing is that all these photos are OLD. they were made in the beginging of our term
When we've just come

live well
laugh often
love much (c)

Oct 7, 2007


I'm happy in the morning!
Eventually i succeded in getting up with Lesha before he goes to work!
Having breakfast together!
Yeap, i'm happy in the morning

p.s. i like red and green today so much. i want these colours around me
live well
laugh often
love much (c)

Oct 6, 2007

Old CD

I found and old CD. Stas, you made it on 2004. You gave it to me during the NY celebration (2004-05). That contains photos of all of us. Now I miss you soooooo much my friends and it was so cool to find photos of us several years ago. Lesha so this series of photos of me anŠ² was amazed a little bit now. Coz now i look quite different.
That's nice to remeber the emotions and the conversations we had that time.
I miss you so much my dear friends!

live well
laugh often
love much (c)

Old CD

Autumn evening

Today i understood that those autumn that i like so much is over.
It was bright and warm outside, it was something between the memories about the incredible summer and expectations of windy autumn that will bring smth unpredictable as well.

That feeling was warm coz i was grateful to the nature for those moments that we spent in a park, for those smell of leaves we could feel and those photos we made, for those photos that lots of my friends put as picture to facebook, msn, blog.

those pics are yellow and orange, they are so warm.

Moreover those understanding was
added by
the slight feeling of regret.
As always i thought there would be time
to go somewhere and enjoy that weather,
there were so many things to be done.

There will be no period when i will have
enough time for everything.
There is al ways a choice .